Hayden's on his way to being 4!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Emily's charging her way to being 2.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 3, 2009

Visit to AZ

Dinner with friends; Kelly, Bryar, and Me. Good times with good people.

Here are Kelly and I, the two pregos.

Greg and Bryar

Ami and Kelly

The men...Andre, Ami, and Greg.

Me and my Hubby.

Night time with Nana while my parents get am adult night out.

My Az Baby Shower for baby Emily. Small and intimate with good friends and family. Here are Bryar, Alisha, and I.

My Tio Eddie surprised me by driving up from Tucson. What a wonderful surprise it was!


My Nana Edna! I had a great time with her this weekend.

I love my Nana!!!

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