Hayden's on his way to being 4!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Emily's charging her way to being 2.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Monster Truck Show

Of course Hayden had a blast. He loves monster trucks. Emily...well she's still undecided. She'd rather climb up and down on the bench and stair.

This year our friends/neighbors went with us. So, Hayden was excited to have his BFF with him at the show. She loved the trucks too. Maybe Emily will come around to like them next year.

Some day we plan to take them to the big finals in Las Vegas.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Captured Insect

He named this GIGANTIC grasshopper, Grassy. He took it to school for show & tell. It was bug week at school.

Monday, April 11, 2011

2nd T-Ball Game

Hayden with his two buddies Diego and Jack.
Here the boys were hanging on the fence. The best part of playing. hee hee hee

The 2nd game went much faster than the 1st.We even had a chance to warm up before the game for 15 minutes and still play 3 innings.

The throwing of the ball. Look at the form. :-)

Dad say, "Don't forget to touch home plate."
Hayden was so happy that Daddy was able to take a day off work and join us for the game.
He was such a big help and it made Hayden's game.Sissy, Hayden's biggest fan!
We couldn't believe how cold it was on that Monday. So freaky!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

1st T-Ball Game

1st team meeting


His buddy Jack with his dad Pat.

Hayden's BFF Marissa and my BFN, Sandra.

I really didn't know what to expect at the first game, but all the kids did really well! Hayden of course wanted to get the ball every single time, but I had to keep reminding him about rules of sharing.

Our team is the Diamondbacks, we were hoping to be the Giants, but we didn't get it. Maybe next year.

We are on a team with a lot of our friends. He feels comfortable going to play knowing he'll be playing with his friends, especially his best friend Marissa.