Hayden's on his way to being 4!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Emily's charging her way to being 2.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Shaylee is so funny! She likes to give me kisses.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Play Date 7-25-07

Here I am with Diego making the music and lights play. Oh boy, does he have some cool toys or what? He's a new friend of mine and I am sure I will get to see him lots because my mom works with his mom.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sleepy Time, It's what I do best so far

Sleeping on Nana

Sleeping on Dad

Sleeping with Mom

Celebrating Allison's 3rd Birthday

Yum! Cake!

We went to Pump it Up in Madera. It looked like a lot of fun, but I am still too small to enjoy big kid toys. There's always next year.

"Hey, what are ya'll doin'?"

Kendall says, "I want to play too".

Here's Grace enjoying her water.

Clayton slept almost the entire time we were there.

Here I am with mom at the end of the birthday party. She makes me smile.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

BBQ w/Dad

I am so glad he finally has weekends off! Now we can hang out and do lots of fun things!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The First of Many Derbys: 7-18-07

Sportin' the "Bad to the Bone" t-shirt given to me by Auntie Sherri. She knew I would be going to a destruction derby soon. After the derby, I took a picture with Dad in front of Brian's derby car. Too bad I slept during the main event and missed all the action, but I did see a couple of heats and got scared twice. Good thing I was with mom and took care of me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Summer Play Group

Good friends hanging out on Tuesday mornings. We rotate homes and have fun things to do, but I just watch because I am too young, as are all the other infants. Usually the toddlers enjoy whatever the activity of the week happens to be.
Here I am with mom, Christi with new baby Clayton and Allison, Kelly with Kendall & Mikayla not pictired, Amber with Grace and Shaylee not pictured, & Jen with Alexandra and Zack. What a fun summer!

Monday, July 16, 2007

2 Months Old: 7-16-07

Look at me, I'm 2 months old. I've also got my big boy tennis shoes on.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July, 2007

Lounging on the changing table. Mom was getting me ready for 4th of July festivities.

Whoohoo, can't to see the fireworks!