Look at me in my crib. Dad thought I wanted to play with my baseball and football, so he put them on my wrists. They rattle when I move my arms. Thanks to Nana Edna, these toys are fun.
This is my new walker. I loved it so much that I wore myself out.
This is the end of a very long day. We were at Shaylee's 3rd birthday party. I even wore a party hat, but I didn't like it very much as you can see.
I had an awesome time in San Jose! We had dinner at BJ's on Sat. night with Alicia & Dan. It was my first time meeting Dan and he is so nice! It was great to see Auntie again! She loves to hold me & love on me. (I loved the attention!) On Sunday night, Mom & Dad went to see Jim Gaffagin, a comedian, and I got to hang out with Dale & Adrienne. I was a good boy even though I fussed with the bottle. Can't wait to go back and see everyone again.
Here I am with Clayton. He's 3 weeks younger, but he's taller than me. Oh well, I'll probably have a growth spurt when I'm older like my dad did.
Here we are wtih Alex. She's so nice! As you can see, I'm trying to hold her hand, but she's looking at Clay. I guess she likes taller infants. hee hee hee...