Hayden's on his way to being 4!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Emily's charging her way to being 2.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 28, 2007


6-28-07 I love to sleep in my swing.

6-26-07 Me on my boppy.

6-23-07 Sleeping on my tummy time surf board.

6-10-07 Sleeping on my boppy again.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Grandma Annette

Grandma is so excited to finally meet me.

Oh boy am I having a great time! Look at my big smile.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day 6-17-07, The First of Many

Kisses from Dad on Father's Day.

This is my cousin Marcus, he lives in Sacramento.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm 1 Month: 6-16-07

I'm wearing my big boy camo boots.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Family and Friends That Came to See Me

The Kemps Family; Chris, Michelle, Trenton, Jordan, and Brendan came down from Merced to hang out with me for the day.

Dale and Adrienne drove from San Jose to love on me. I had fun and was able to take a nap on each their chests. They were so compfy!

Here I am with Great Grandma Twoana, she's soooo nice!

Auntie Alicia drove from San Jose to see me. She helped mom and dad with feeding their bellies. She's a good cook!

Great Auntie Imagene came to see me at home.

Lori and Tim came to see me and to bring nourishments to mom and dad.

Bryar and Greg drove up from Huntington Beach to see me on me first day at home. What great friends they are.

Aunt Diane also came to see how cute I am.

Aunt Donna was down from Oregon, and came to see me.

My first visitor was Dale.

This is me with Grandpa Allen and Grandma Terri.

Here I am with Kevin and Elena. Kevin was scared to hold me because I was too small.

The Nelsons and the Canars also came to see me, but my parents forgot to take a picture.